Honors of AOSP

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List of AOSP Awardees

The 4th AOSP Awards (To be awarded in 2019 AOCP, Qindao, China)

1) AOSP Award for Distinguished Contribution to Photobiology and AOSP
Dr. Tingyun Kuang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
2) AOSP Award
Dr. Kaoru Sugasawa (Kobe Univ., Japan)
Dr. Hidetoshi Iida (Tokyo Gakugei Univ., Japan)
3) AOSP Award for Young Scientists
Dr. Hongtao Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Dr. Noriyuki Suetsugu (Kyoto Univ., Japan)

The 3rd AOSP Awards (Awarded in 2017 AOCP, Seoul, Koria)

1) AOSP Award for Distinguished Contribution to Photobiology and AOSP
Dr. Shen, Xun (Molecular and Cell Research, CAS, China)
Dr. Wada, Masamitsu (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
2) AOSP Award
Dr. Choi, Giltsu (KAIST, Korea)
Dr. Kandori, Hideki (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
Dr. Shichida, Yoshinori (Kyoto University, Japan)
3) AOSP Award for Young Scientists
Dr. Hirayama, Jun (Kyoto University, Japan)
Dr. Tu, Shih-Long (Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Taiwan)

The 2nd AOSP Awards (Awarded in 2015 AOCP, Taipei, Taiwan)

1) AOSP Award for Distinguished Contribution to Photobiology and AOSP
Dr. Masamitsu Ichihashi (Emeritus Professor, Kobe University)
Dr. Chandana Halder (Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University)
2) AOSP Award
Dr. Shu-Hsing Wu (Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica)
Dr. Satoru Kawamura (Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University)
3) AOSP Award for Young Scientists
Dr. Tomonao Matsushita (Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University)
Dr. Scott Byrne (The Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney)

The 1st AOSP Awards (Awarded in 2013 AOCP, Sydney, Australia)

1) AOSP Award for Distinguished Contribution to Photobiology and AOSP
Dr. Pill Soon Song (Jeju, Korea)
Dr. Motoyuki Tsuda (Hyogo, Japan)
2) AOSP Award
Dr. Ken-ichiro Shimazaki (Fukuoka, Japan)
Dr. Byong Seok Choi (Daejeon, Korea)
3) AOSP Award for Young Scientists
Dr. Joeun Il Kim (Gwangju, Korea)
Dr. Kazuhiro Yagita (Kyoto, Japan)

List of AOSP Poster Awardees

The 7th AOCP (2015) Poster Awards

(presented at AOCP2015: November 15-18, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan)

Junghyun Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Husnh-Lung Tsai (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Guan-Hong Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Tomoya Shiraki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Yen-Ho Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Ping-Yun Tsai (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan(

The 5th AOCP (2011) Poster Awards

(presented at AOCP2011: July 30-August 1, 2011, Nara, Japan)

PS-7 F. H. M. Koura (Okayama University, Japan), “Purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis of Sr-substituted photosystem II from Thermosynechococcus vulcanus
PS-37 T. Nagata (Osaka City University, Japan), “Characterization and localization of visual pigments expressed in the four-layers retina of a jumping spider”
PS-48 S. Sharma (University of Hyderabad,India), “Phototropin1: A new player in regulating the shelf life of tomato fruits”
PS-65 R. R. Vankayala (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), “Multiple-functional lipid-dye-Fe@CNPs conjugated for photo-induced destruction of cancer cells”


Dr. T. Nagata, Osaka City University (Left), Dr. R. R. Vankayala, National Tsing Hua University (Center) and Dr. S. Sharma, University of Hyderabad (Right).
